Your donations have changed so many lives like Ameen Khan’s daughter’s You let Ameen Khan get his daughter married with dignity.
Ameen Khan is 55. Working 14 hours a day, he sells food items on a pushcart, but his earnings hardly meet his day-to-day expenses.
He has a ten-year-old son and a 20-year-old daughter. Ameen requested Ehsaas for Marriage Assistance help for the marriage costs of his daughter. Through your Zakat donations, she is now happily married.
Ameen Khan said:
“May Allah (SWT) make the daughters and sons of those people that helped me, always healthy, happy and wealthy, Ameen.”
“The care you have shown for the most needy encourages and makes us duty-bound to accomplish our projects with dedication and sincerity – Thank You.”
Asif Iqbal
Founder & Trustee